I've been trying my best to bite my tongue when it comes to politics as I realize it still somewhat taboo…that said I can't stand any more! I've been following the debates and I was greatly anticipating last night's! I watched with a couple girlfriends, Chinese food and a bottle of Riesling. I think perhaps we should have made it a keg!
There were points where Palin was so off-topic we turned to each other and asked, "What the hell was the question?" Reading all the analyses from various political pundits I was completely awestruck. Were they watching the same debate I was? Yeah, Palin did a fabulous job in that she didn't mention how she can "...see Russia from her house."
A bigger issue might be that she DID NOT answer a question and redirected a majority of them. What's funny is that McCain stated the below in a response to the late Tim Russert (on Meet the Press, March 5th, 2000) when asked about joining the Bush ticket as VP:
"The vice president has two duties. One is to inquire daily as to the health of the president, and the other is to attend the funerals of Third World dictators. And neither of those do I find an enjoyable exercise.''
Needless to say to say I don't think McCain thinks highly of that office and it seems to me he picked Palin to strengthen the conservative base and entice the Hill voters. I find that pretty insulting. Because she has the same anatomy you think someone like me would vote for her? Are you nuts? Get it straight, Palin ain't half the woman Hillary is! She is in way over her head. I wish we could get McCain's health stats because President Palin could be a reality.
Besides the misuse of the word "maverick," definition below, Palin winked at the camera several times and made several other "blunders." So I developed a quick Palin to English translation:
O'Biden=Biden's Irish Cousin
Iraq=Where the bad people are
Afghanistan=a place with mountains
Nuc-ular=Bush's correct pronunciation of Nuclear
I'd like to go back to____= Crap…let me read my canned response here
Crap=Oh Ya Know
Maverick=A liar
Marriage=A forced arrangement between my pregnant daughter and her high school boyfriend
Definition of "maverick" provided by Diction.com is below.
mav·er·ick (māv'ər-ĭk, māv'rĭk)
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it. This doesn't apply to McCain because he was never seperated from his Mother.
2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter. (FYI-McCain Voted with Bush 90% of the time...way to stray from the pack)
I can't even touch the foreign policy response from Palin…it's actually sticking to stomach like week old matzo so I'll have to come back to this.
The Previous Debate, While I'm At It:
McCain doesn't want the Federal government involved in health care? Riiiiiiiiiiight. So I suppose it's only "Women's Health Care" he feels the Fed has a right to be involved in. Interesting…
Off-shore drilling: what a fabulous idea because it's not as though we are up against serious environmental issues. Off shore drilling will allow Americans to see a price drop at the pump (please note bitter sarcasm). In order to drill, refine and impact the reserve/economy to the point where we see/feel a price drop we're looking at about 7 years. That will help me on the drive home for Thanksgiving. Thanks McPalin ticket! Golly gee, you're the best!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
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1 comment:
Awesome, awesome post and put it all so well and exactly my thoughts on the debate. I talked to some people that if you made a drinking game out of how much Palin said certain phrases or words, you'd be so drunk you could pass out and be rushed to the hospital. It's a shame there won't be another debate for us to try that out with ;)
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